Down the Rabbit Hole

If you’re feeling like this:

Chicks wearing pants and drinking. Yeah.

Chicks wearing pants and drinking. Yeah. (Parting gift from the bar)

then head over to “The Violet Hour” where you can pretend to be “The Strongest Person You Know”

"Junipero, Laphroaig, Pierre Ferrand Dry Curacao, Averna, Barrel Aged Green Chartreusse." Whatever that means. It tastes like scotch flavored gin, but only the good parts of each.

“Junipero, Laphroaig, Pierre Ferrand Dry Curacao, Averna, Barrel Aged Green Chartreusse.” Whatever that means. It tastes like scotch flavored gin, but only the good parts of each.

hipster-yly correct people that “It’s Pronounced ‘Beer'”

"Tito's, Lemon, Byrrh, Honey Syrup, Grapefruit Bitters, Sparkling"The opposite of beer, I'm trying to be ironic, get it?

“Tito’s, Lemon, Byrrh, Honey Syrup, Grapefruit Bitters, Sparkling”
The opposite of beer. I’m trying to be ironic, get it?

dream of “Romeo and Juliet” and “First Snow” and forget to take pics.

But wait, no cell phones allowed. Oops, so that’s why the bartender smirked at us.

1.) You feel like Alice in Wonderland.

2.) The drinks are strong and are made with care.

3.) Good for dates and exploring drinks beyond beers, chardonnay, and vodka cranberry.

The Violet Hour
1520 N Damen 
Chicago, IL 60622